Hi, I’m Ellie! 👋🏼
Hi, I’m Ellie! 👋🏼

Hi, I’m Ellie! 👋🏼

The Holistic Technologist

Weaving stories of joy through code and design.

Rooted in creativity, curiosity, community- you can catch me working on a new craft/tech project, breaking things apart, or making new friends. When I’m not tinkering with something, I’m cooking in my cozy kitchen or out enjoying nature in sunny San Diego. ☀️


  • Working at Resilient Coders as a Solutions Engineer, supporting students going through an intensive 20-week bootcamp where they learn Full-Stack Web & App Development
  • Meeting with new developers for coffee chats & additional mentorship
  • Creating websites and consulting for clients in the wellness space

Dive Into Some Code & Check Out My Blog

Connect with Me


Other places to find me:

🚨 Looking for a creative and dedicated engineer to join your team? I’m open for hire!

☕️ Let’s have a coffee chat!

💭 For questions or comments:

  • holistictech.io@gmail.com

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